2024 LFG

What’s up Side Hustler,

2024 is here.

Let’s talk goals.

But quickly before I do that, I want to make a quick pitch.

I’ve discounted my course again for the New Year’s holiday.

If you’ve considered buying it before, now’s the time.

It’s 33% off again, and I’ve even discounted my consulting fee too.

If you want to try your hand at The World's Greatest Side Hustle (according to the Guinness Book of World Records, probably), now’s the time.

It will give you everything you need to:

  • find

  • buy

  • run

Your first awesome side hustle. The cash flow and the tax benefits are enough to make your heart go pitter-frickin-pat.

Interested? Just watch this quick video: TaxFreeCashCow.com

Now, back to goals.

I’ve had a goal to make $1M/year for the past two years. Just missed it each year.

This is how I want to do it next year:

  • Stop wasting money in my ecom business.

I can’t tell you how much money we’ve wasted on Facebook, Youtube, and umpteen other ad platforms. It never works. We suck at it. So we’re not gonna do it. We’re gonna focus on things we know how to make money on: email, affiliates and direct mail. I think top line revenue will be down to $8M next year, but I think we can bank 17% profit (I’m 50/50 partners on that biz). That should net me $600k-$700k, let’s call it $650k.

  • Expand my newsletter business

Not talking about this newsletter, I have a true NEWSletter business. We do breaking news blasts to about 800,000 subscribers and show ads to monetize. If we stay on track and expand this should net me about $180k next year. It could be a lot more too. ‘24 will be a wild election year and people will be glued to the news. So now we’re at $830k. Next…

  • Car wash cash cows

Last year we spent a lot of money upgrading one car wash (although it was really only $60k, not bad for a car wash). We should generate more cash flow and have a lot less capex next year. I am already making about $48k from the car washes, I think we can reasonably double that next year as we increase cash flow at one wash and add at least another car wash. Let’s add $100k there, now we’re at $930k. And then…

  • Grow dumpster business

Last year was rough for my dumpster guy. He had tons of truck problems and was barely able to make his payments on the dumpsters I bought. Next year, assuming the economy doesn’t totally tank, I think he should get back on track and start crushing it. The dumpster business will bring in $16k for me now, I think we can expand it and bring it to about $30k. We may have to acquire a small competitor but I think with some hustle and grit it can be done. Now we’re at $960k. Finally…

  • Grow this newsletter.

I made about $40k last year off this newsletter, primarily from selling my course (taxfreecashcow.com). Sales for that course will slow down naturally, so I need a new course. I was thinking about creating “How to Find The Perfect Side Hustle” course, and price at about $200. It would help W2 earners and business owners alike find a great side gig that provides nice cash flow. My hope is to sell about $50k worth of that and help a bunch of people make that sweet side gig cashola. That would take me to just over $1M.

Will I do it?? Honestly, based on the last few years, probably not. But it’s a fun goal and motivates me to make it happen.

Now, your turn. Hit me with your goals, questions and comments. We can keep each other accountable.

ALSO: Would you be interested in a comprehensive course on finding a lucrative and fun side gig?

Just reply to this email and let me know…

Happy 2024 yall, let’s get after it!

Car Wash Guy Kriss

PS: before you flame me for being all about that dollar, my other goals include:

  • volunteering with my son at a local homeless shelter

  • tons of goals centered around my health and family time