Car Washes are DEAD


Ok, that’s a trick to get you to open, sorry.

I love car washes. In fact I have 10 car wash deals on my desk right now, and I want them ALL.

But it’s kinda boring to write about them all the time. Frankly they are simple businesses to run, there’s not a whole lot to talk about unless you wanna get REAL deep on pre-rinse chemicals.


But after talking to a bunch of you over the past few months (you can book a call with me for $300/hr) I have realized something.

I wrote a whole thread about it here. 99% of you don’t want to quit your job and do car washes full time - or anything else for that matter.

You like your W2 well enough and you don’t want to give away the security that it provides. You dream of being an entrepreneur but it’s scary. You have a family, debt, a mortgage, health insurance.

Here’s the deal: you don’t have to give all that up! You can dip your toe into the entrepreneurship pool and not get eaten alive.

So we’re going to pivot here.

This is now Side Gig Central. And I’m going to tell you all about lucrative, low-risk side gigs that you can do without giving up your job.

And if you hustle and grind enough on them hard enough you can someday tell your boss to kiss your a$$ and work for yourself full time.

And I will still talk about car washes. Quite a bit actually. That little 5 hour a week side gig is going to be a $20M company some day, and you’ll have a front row seat.

Speaking of: want 140% returns in year 1, 5 hours per week or less of work, and MASSIVE tax benefits (I’ll show you my tax return to prove it)?? Go here.

But we’re going to talk about a lot of cool side hustles:

  • websites, ecom and online businesses

  • newsletters and media

  • equipment rental

  • home services

  • laundromats

  • easy commercial real estate deals

  • hell we’ll even talk about some of the investments me and my friends do that make $$$

Me and some friends of mine are doing amazing things on the side that crank out cash and require very little effort on our part.

Isn’t that the dream??

I’ll even find some small side gig businesses for sale and break them down for you so you can know what to look for - and maybe find that dream side gig.

Sounds like fun right?

So stay tuned. Next week I will break down my newsletter business (no not this one - the one that sends 2 million emails a day).

And let me know what you think of the new plan! Just hit reply to this and tell me what you think (or call me an idiot, I’m used to it).

Car Wash Guy/Side Gig King - Kriss Berg 🤟